What you will learn in this course

Learn how to optimise a spiritual awakening if you've had one, or activate one if you haven't, and create an uplifting spiritual life. 

With my system you don’t have to give up stuff (I love cars, music, good food and wine). The secret is cycle-synching (your body chi cycle to cosmic chi cycles). Discover how to do this and be calm, joyous and positive through my cosmic-self strategies. 

It is a time of change but also of heightened spiritual access. That’s why I made this course. It is the practical steps and processes that I’ve been developing and taking people through, for decades. 

It's the outcome of 40 years of intensive daily practice, Chinese medicine, spiritual and lifestyle research, and work with countless people in my clinics and rehabs. It condenses everything I've learned and road-tested into one course. 

Lesson content includes:

  • What a spiritual awakening is
  • How to handle a spiritual awakening within yourself and in your relationships  
  • Discover the junction between your acupuncture meridians (your spirit system) and your body (nervous system).
  • Activate the power of your mystical ‘chi organs’ to achieve full-purpose potential 
  • How to open up the cosmic flow - which is the purpose of a spiritual practice
  • Awaken your spiritual self and shift from ordinary to extraordinary 
  • Reconnect with who you really are, remember your mission and act on it. 
  • Free yourself from expectations and become naturally kind, loving, peaceful and independent. 
  • Internally generate goodness, kindness and self-love
  • Overcome the natural struggles of the spiritual path 
  • How to trust yourself, stay true to your original spiritual nature and, if you ever feel lost, how to quickly find yourself

Practicals include:

A guided Vibrant Cosmic Meditation (VCM). Learn how to flood your body with chi, bliss and love. (A technique derived from Sri Bhai Sahib Ji, who ran TM with the Maharishi in the 1960s)

Spiritual movement demonstrations. Jost's unique physical foundation movements for a spiritual life. The secret of the connection between muscles, your organs and cosmic chi. 

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • What Does it Mean to be Spiritual

    • The Cosmic Dance of Yin and Yang

    • 3. Why Spiritual?

  • 2


    • Spiritual Awakening Part 1

    • Spiritual Awakening - Confusion, other people and your purpose

  • 3


    • Transformational Experiences: The Five Elements

    • Transformational Experiences: Sadness and Anger

    • Transformational Experiences: Fear. Lack of Vitality and Anxiety

  • 4


    • Lungs - Get a Grip on Your Spiritual Life

    • Liver - Be Kind and Happy to Self and Others

    • Spleen - Hunger for Life, How not to take on Bad Energies from other People

    • Heart - Free spirited and loving

    • Kidney - Confident and Powerful to Act on Your Ideas

  • 5


    • How to Wake Up - Get Ready for Spirit

    • Breath Work - Get Mystical

    • Qigong - Become Chi

    • Cosmic Qigong - Meet your Cosmic Self

  • 6


    • Core and stretching routine to connect meridians to the cosmic grid

    • Clear the meridians to let in Cosmic Light via strength training

Who it is for

Maybe you have had a spiritual awakening or transcendent experience and want to know what that is and how to integrate that into your daily life and continue your spiritual journey. Or your life feels meaningless, painful or hopeless. Or a traumatic experience, such as a post-addiction recovery strategy, has inspired you to become a better person. Or it’s rational / mystical, as in you know that there is more to life and you know this is the time to find it. If you have been drawn to this course, your spirit is calling you.

About Jost Sauer

Creator of the Chi Cycle Day Plan

Jost Sauer

Born in 1958 in Germany, Jost is an acupuncturist, with 4 decades experience as a therapist. He’s a trailblazer in using traditional Chinese medicine in modern ways. Jost kickstarted a recovery revolution with his ground-breaking rehab programs, and his Chi-Cycle, a health-boosting, fat-burning feel-good day plan. His background includes competitive skiing, triathlon and iron man plus over 40 years of daily exercise, Qi-gong and meditation. Jost has 5 published books on healthy lifestyle and is passionate about making Chinese medicine accessible and empowering people how to make every day medicinal and magical with chi.


I created the music for this course to enhance the experience. 

I am classically trained in piano (since the age of ten) but my love has always been the synthesiser. For this course I focussed on a spherical feel to emphasise the cosmic nature of Chinese medicine. Electronic music is well suited for this as it's based on waveforms, which essentially is chi. My aim was to capture the subtle nature of the universe - to feel the meaning of Chinese medicine rather than relying on words alone. 

For those who want to know more: the two main synths I used were Access Virus Ti (Pads) and V-Synth GT (Violin), apart from Fantom G and the Moog.